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Off to the park we go!

Posted by: | December 18, 2017 | 4 Comments |

Although he isn’t able to walk on his own, Zuko does loooooovvee the outdoors so I brought him to the park today 🙂

It wasn’t all smooth sailing though. Since he became paralyzed, he hasn’t been able to control his bowel movements so he’s been pooping at random and today was no different. While we were sitting down he started pooping and it smeared aaallll over his bum. He didn’t even try to move 🙁 but its okay, I was prepared!… well, somewhat haha

Besides that, it was a nice day. He saw old friends, met new people, and got to smell all kinds of new things!

But something happened today that really touched me. There was a group of people that approached me, asking all kinds of questions about Zuko, how he was doing, and complimented on how handsome he is. They continued to just observe us and right before we left they complimented me on how devoted I was and how much of a big heart I must have for trying to do my best in caring for Zuko despite my young age and having no other support.

I didn’t even know what to say but Thank You.

Things have been quite difficult lately so hearing that made me tear up. I’m the type of person that likes to internalize all my struggles or just play things down but for someone that doesn’t know me, to just come up to me and say all those kind words — I can’t even describe how appreciated I felt at that moment

I definitely try my best to make sure Zuko is happy and as long as that big ‘ol smile is on his face, I will sacrifice whatever to keep him that way 🙂

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  1. By: paws120 on December 18, 2017 at 3:14 am      Reply

    Wow! What a wonderful day 🙂 You got fantastic pictures, he has that beautiful everlasting pittie smile that just melts my heart! My Rosie smiled like that too. I think it is just wonderful that you can ignore the poopie stuff and just concentrate on the good. You can see how happy he makes you and you make him, you are just beautiful together!
    Sending lots of love,
    Jackie and Huck

  2. By: stellablue on December 18, 2017 at 10:20 am      Reply

    This is lovely. Thanks so much for sharing your experience. Of course you would do the best you can for him… But sometimes it’s nice to hear an independent and unexpected acknowledgement of that fact. He looks like such a happy boy!

  3. By: benny55 on December 18, 2017 at 11:39 am      Reply

    And please know this to be true. We also SEE the devotion, the bond, the love you two share. And we KNOW that Zuko sees it and feels it too! Zuko is your heart dog and you are his heart hooman! 🙂

    Sure, it’s not always “easy” with some of Zuko’s “issues”,’but it’s a labor lof LOVE that you willingly and happily do because of your love for each other.

    We u understand this part of the journey like nomothers can, so PLEASE feel free to share anytime you are haviw a rough spot…And good spots too of course! By “talki g” with is, it helps you get back to being in the present with Zuko!! Lettinb people who care help support you is a sign of strength and wissom, not weaknessss.

    I have ror say, Zuko is one of the happiest, most content, most “live j. The mome t” dogs I’ve ever seen!!! That SMILE of his lights up our world!! 🙂

    Keep on sharing these great ZUKO DAY ADVENTURES with us! What fun! I koved those beach day pictures. I love them all!

    Love and hugs
    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

  4. By: jerry on December 22, 2017 at 6:00 am      Reply

    Oh my gosh please know that we at the Tripawds Nation are SOOOO proud of you too! You are giving Zuko the best life pawsible under difficult circumstances, he’s such a lucky dawg to have you for a mom.

    I’m glad to see you two are able to get out and have good days together, that’s the best medicine there is for him. Keep up the great pawrenting my friend!

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