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Its been hard but we’re pushing through. Updates on how Keiko and I are doing after losing Zuko.

Posted by: | July 30, 2018 | 5 Comments |

It has been a little over 5 months since my handsome Zuko passed and its just been hard. In the beginning I cried until I was unrecognizable. I didn’t know what to do. I lost such a huge part of myself when Zuko left and I didn’t know how to live with him gone.Β I even had to take leave from work for a week to just process everything and try to get everything out. Everything is just so different now.

I knew that if I constantly thought about him being gone, it would eat me up so, I’ve been trying to keep myself busy with work and spending time with Keiko. Ever since Zuko got sick, all my time was with him so now I’m doing my best to try and make up for lost times with her. She’s definitely very different from Zuko. Their personalities are totally different but they just always complimented each other. She’s been a little different since he has been gone though. A lot more stubborn and just acting out a little more. She started acting out since Zuko’s been sick but a lot more now that he’s gone. She misses him. She misses someone who can push her and play with her like he does. I want to get her another brother but I don’t feel like the time is right.

In my apartment complex, our neighbors have small dogs and she tries to play with them but they’re so scared of her because she’s so big. But one of my neighbors rescued a little larger dog and they get a long so well! Her name is Kira and just seeing them play really reminds me of Keiko playing and running around with Zuko. Its so nice seeing Keiko playing with another dog πŸ™‚

Keiko and I are also going on to our next chapter in our lives.

We have some good news! I got into vet school at Iowa State University!

So, in about 10 days we are moving over 7,000 miles from Guam all the way to Iowa! I have been sooooo stressed with this big move. With Keiko being a pit mix and United changing their policies, we’ve been slammed with finance issues just to try and get her to Iowa with me. I still have a balance at the clinic for Zuko’s treatments so it hasn’t been so easy. She’s also an anxious dog so I worry about how she’ll do when she flies. Just so many things piling up but I am excited to start this new chapter.

I remember when I was applying for vet school, I was sooooo hesitant because of Zuko’s cancer diagnosis. I told myself and everybody, that even if I got in, if I couldn’t take Zuko with me, I wouldn’t go. I knew I would never forgive myself if I left and something were to happen to him. But, I guess, in a way, Zuko made that decision for me. Now, I’m just going to try and be the damn best vet I can be all because of him and Keiko πŸ™‚

Zuko’s Urn πŸ™‚

Me and Keiko

Keiko and Kira


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  1. By: jerry on July 31, 2018 at 3:20 am      Reply

    WOOOOWWWW! Oh my dog you WILL be the best vet ever, super big congrats, that is no easy accomplishment especially with all that you went through during the past year. We are so proud of you!

    I have no doubt that Zuko will be looking after you and Keiko as you start this exciting new chapter in your life. His cancer was awful but it cannot take away all that you learned from the experience. Because of it, you will be the vet that everyone loves because you GET what they are going through no matter the condition. And Keiko? Well she will do her part to make sure that you stay strong and happy throughout your education. What a team!

    Please let us know if there is anything you need at all when you come to Iowa. One of our longest and most beloved volunteers lives in Iowa, and we aren’t ever too far away if you want to chat OK?

    SUPER big congrats. Thank you for the update, you made our day!

  2. By: Michelle on July 31, 2018 at 11:20 am      Reply

    Congrats on getting into vet school. I know you will do great. I know you and Keiko will succeed here in Iowa. Zuko will be guiding you in your education.


    Michelle & Angel Sassy

  3. By: dobemom on July 31, 2018 at 1:58 pm      Reply

    Congrats on vet school! You must be so excited. My Nitro has been gone a year, and I’m feeling everything you describe here. A heart dog like these only come once-in-a-lifetime, I’m afraid. Good luck as you move forward, and know that Zuko will always be watching over you.

    Paula and Warrior Angel Nitro

  4. By: yaya on August 1, 2018 at 4:51 am      Reply


  5. By: benny55 on August 3, 2018 at 3:27 am      Reply

    You have no idea how good itmos to hear from you. Yes, it’s bittersweet. We KNOW how much Zuko (as did he) and how much the void without his physical presence hurts. You are a fighter though, just like Zuko. Any you clearly have Zuko watching over you!

    I love that he sent Keiko a playmate through your neighbor. They look so happy together. Keiko is a stunner!

    Yes,nyou are moving onto another chapter with Zuko by your side. I cannot even vegin to imagine all the ways yournjourneymwith him will impact your Soul’s purpose as a Vet❀


    It’s just so exciting to know you will be moving to Iowa! I can’t imagine all the stress right now, but you’ll settle in very quickly, as will Keiko. Zuko has already used his Angel Wings to fly over here and check everything out for you. He’s very pleased with everything!😊😊

    We will all be anxiously waiting to hear from you as soon as you can. Even if it’s just a quick note letting us know everyone made it safely!!!

    BTW…..You take great pictures……of course, you have great subjects!

    Love and hugs
    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

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