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Zuko is peeing blood :( Help!!

Posted by: | February 11, 2018 | 10 Comments |

On Friday when I expressed his bladder I noticed a very strong smell to his urine and it was bright yellow. I brought a sample to my vet and they said it was a UTI and he was given TMS 480mg BID for 10 days and have him drink cranberry juice. His pee was fine for the rest of the day but on Saturday when I got out of work at around 2pm, when I expressed his bladder, there was blood in his urine! and it still had that horrid smell. I definitely was terrified but I know blood in urine is normal for a UTI so I thought, ” okay, lets give the antibiotics a chance to kick in.” It is Sunday night right now and his urine is getting concentrated with blood. Its scary and Im getting really worried. Im not sure if UTIs make their urine this bloody.

I was thinking of taking him to the vet tomorrow but another part of me was thinking I should give the medications a chance. Any suggestions?

Right now he’s taking:

AM: Tramadol 50mg, TMS 480mg, and Dexamethasone 1.5mg

PM: Tramadol 50mg, TMS 480mg, and Metacam 5mg

We just recently added the metacam back into his regime. He seemed a little painful and was restless at night so my vet added the metacam and said that with the tramadol would be a good combination. I voiced my concerns about him taking a steroid (Dex) with an NSAID (Metacam) and was told it wouldn’t be a big issue.

It was like this last night.           And this is what it looks like now


Still has that big ‘ol smile tho 🙂


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  1. By: jerry on February 11, 2018 at 11:42 pm      Reply

    Awww Zuko your smile lights up our day. I’m sorry you are feeling bad.

    The vets are right, Tramadol and Metacam are ok together but I am not familiar with those antibiotics given. I would absolutely return to the vet, that is not something I’ve seen before at least among our members. Give them a call and let us know what they say ok? We are sending you and Zuko lots of love.

    • By: Jane on February 12, 2018 at 9:03 pm      Reply

      So I brought him in today and my vet said to just let the antibiotics do its job. He palpated Zukos bladder and didn’t find anything alarming but then again his bladder was pretty full. Im not sure if that makes a difference. Also, the antibiotic, TMS, is short for Sulfamethoxazole and Trimethoprim.

  2. By: tinsch on February 12, 2018 at 2:19 am      Reply

    A UTI can in fact bloody the urine but pain meds can also cause this. -did you check for blood in his stool? I always gave something to line the stomach when Manni was in pain meds. I would definitely talk to the vets again, just to be on the safe side, because there can be multiple things responsible for this.
    Hope you’re feeling better soon Zuko!

    • By: Jane on February 12, 2018 at 10:06 pm      Reply

      Yeah, I knew that was normal with UTIs but I have never seen urine be that bloody 🙁 also, he has no blood in his stool – it’s nice, normal, and solid! My vet said to let the antibiotics kick in so I’ll trust him and just monitor how Zuko is doing 🙂

  3. By: Michelle on February 12, 2018 at 2:32 am      Reply

    I agree I would go back to the vet. Why are you expressing his bladder? I have never heard of those antibiotics at all.

    Hope he is ok.

    Michelle & Angel Sassy

    • By: Jane on February 12, 2018 at 9:17 pm      Reply

      I’m expressing his bladder because he is unable to do so himself. Zuko has been paralyzed from the waist down for about 2.5 months so he is unable to urinate and defecate on his own. At first it was so difficult but now I have him on a schedule and I express his bladder and stimulate him to poop often so he doesn’t make a mess. He has been doing good so far 🙂 well besides the UTI.

  4. By: benny55 on February 12, 2018 at 9:29 am      Reply

    Okay, not a Vet and not giving Vet advice, but it’s certainly my understanding you should NOT give steroids and NSAID together. So please check with again, maybe with another Vet or if you have access to clinic you could call, I would asap!

    Again, not a Vet and not giving Vet advice.

    Also, I knkw there are some instances where expressing a bladder can cause “issues” depending on whats going on with the bladder or urine. Again, double check with yiur Vet. I’m trying to remember exactly when expressing can be a POSSIBLE “issue”……maybe, as an example, if crystals are involved or it’s done incorrectly. Just throwing that as an “example” and not fact!

    My .erry Myrstle has a “raging” UTI going on right now with some form of crystals. I know Clavamox is often prescribed, but she has been prescribed Cefpodoxime proxetil.

    Is he extra thirsty?

    Sounds like attitude wise he’s doing okay and that’s really good!!! 🙂

    Again, I would certainly dpuble check with another Vet about the NSAID and DEX. It may be that it is not an issue at all to give them both, but DEFINITELY worth double checking.

    AND double check about continuing to express the bladder and how often while this infection is going on.

    Please update when you can…A D with a other picture of that famous Zuko smile!!! 🙂

    Lots of hugs!

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

    • By: Jane on February 12, 2018 at 9:58 pm      Reply

      When my vet recommended having him on metacam (5mg once a day) while on dex (1.5mg once a day) I did voice my concern about it but he said it should be fine. I’ve been monitoring him and he doesn’t seem to have any GI issues. His stool has been solid with no blood and he hasn’t been vomiting either.

      It’s still a little scary for me to have him on them so I at least make sure to give them 12 hours apart.

      and, yes, he’s been extra thirsty since he’s been on the dex. I even give him some pedialyte every not and then just to make sure he’s hydrated.

      When I go into the clinic I’ll definitely talk to our vet about any issues with expressing his bladder. I never thought that it would cause any issues so thank you for letting me know that there may be 🙂

  5. By: jerry on February 18, 2018 at 12:11 pm      Reply

    Zuko, how are you? We are keeping you in our hearts and hoping with all we’ve got that you are feeling better. xoxo

    • By: Jane on February 23, 2018 at 2:53 pm      Reply

      Zuko is doing fine 🙂

      The blood in his urine has resolved! We completed the 10 day course of his antibiotics (TMS) but his urine still smelled horrible so my vet put him on a different antibiotics (Chloramphenicol) and he’s on cranberry pills as well. Both of them seem to have done the trick! Now, it just smells like regular pee.

      However, I don’t think he is drinking enough water to keep him hydrated. He drinks a lot but his urine still comes out a darker yellow than normal 🙁 Ive tried getting a syringe with water to force him to drink more but he resists and I don’t want to stress him out more. I was thinking of possibly asking my vet if I could get a bag of LRS so I could give SQ fluids at home. What do you think?

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