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It’s the big day! Zuko officially becomes a tripawd

Posted by: | April 26, 2017 | 9 Comments |

Everything just seemed to happened so fast! When the biopsy results came in, his amputation date was scheduled for 4 days later and, man, did those 4 days fly by. The night before the big day I could hardly sleep at all – there was just a mix of nerves and knowing that once I woke up it would be time.

I had so many things running through my mind this morning. I thought I woke up late so i was rushing out the door to only be stuck in traffic! But when I arrived at the clinic I realized I was  30-45 min early! haha but anyways! Before the surgery we took another chest X-ray and it came out clear (YAY!).  After he was prepped, I left and cried in my car. It just sunk in that this is really happening and that the next time I would see him, he’d be missing a piece of himself. But what got me through it was just thinking that I’d rather have 80% of him instead of 0%. I knew that going through with this would give him more time and drastically lessen his pain which is the best thing I can do for him. What has also given me peace of mind is knowing everyone involved in his procedure and being able to be as involved as I can be especially since I work at the clinic. So, no matter how worried I was, I knew he was in great hands 🙂

It was around lunchtime when I stopped by the clinic to visit and Doc said everything went well! He had some IV fluids going and was heavily sedated just to keep him calm and rested since he’s a VERY hyperactive dog but he definitely perked up when he saw me! 🙂 I didn’t pick him up until later in the day and he walked all the way to the car like a pro! He was given Tramadol and Cephalexin to go home with in conjunction with the Rimadyl he was already on. He was also given a little something to calm him so be can rest and sleep easy tonight 🙂

We both had a loooooong and crazy day but I’m just so glad that he’s home. He’s definitely a mama’s boy and sleeps in bed with me but for a big surgery like this I thought he should get his own bed. All the recommended beds were waaaaayy out of my price range but I seriously can’t believe how lucky I was to have found a very affordable therapeutic dog bed that was nice and firm for him at Ross! He is currently sleeping on it like a baby and the amputation site is looking better than I thought it would!

I just want to thank all my family, friends, and everyone here on tripawds for all the advice and support! But most especially to my AMC family and Dr. Malakooti for being so supportive, open, honest, and being someone I could really trust with my baby. Love you all!

The photo on the left is when I visited him at the clinic and the bottom photos are of him at home resting 🙂

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  1. By: Shawna Jobusch on April 26, 2017 at 2:45 pm      Reply

    Hugs and a speedy recovery to Zuko and you!

  2. By: Zubear on April 26, 2017 at 4:50 pm      Reply

    Hi Zuko! You will be up and running in no time! The first week was the hardest for me and mommy because she had so many medications to remember- phone reminders help a lot! Also she kept trying to help me using a towel as a sling to go up and down the porch stairs to the yard because I lost my front leg but I had to let her know after a couple days that I did not need help I’m a big guy! You may bruise like I did near the incision and down your arm and groin And get swelling in your tummy from the blood- it looks horrible but don’t worry it goes away in couple weeks. Welcome to the tripawd club buddy! Warning: People with think you are a thousand times more adorable and want to pet you all the time.

    • By: pitmama on April 27, 2017 at 12:19 am      Reply

      I’ve tried to use a towel as a sling and I don’t think he’s a fan haha. He pretty much just freezes when I try to use it but once I get it off he tries to hop around! Also thanks for letting me know that he may bruise and look worse. That’s definitely something I’ll look out for and not be too alarmed about. The site actually looks really nice so I’m hoping it doesn’t get too bad.

      And more pets and attention from people?! Oh lord, he’s gonna eat it aaaaaallllllll up! He loves people but some freak out and are scared of him because he’s a pit. He’s grown up with babies and been around toddlers and is a big baby himself that’s just filled with lots of love! All he’d do is smother you with kisses and ask for back scratches haha

      • By: Zubear on April 28, 2017 at 5:20 am      Reply

        That’s great! Yeah Zeus was not too fond of the towel thing but he needed the help- I got side eyed a lot haha. I crack up all the time about how people were so terrified of him as a mastiff and now that he’s a tripawd they all swoon over him – oh he’s so adorable so cute- people who probabaly would have moved across the street before haha- well with the exception of our a/c repairman- he was like nope- I’m not coming near him haha.

  3. By: benny55 on April 26, 2017 at 9:21 pm      Reply

    Looooove all of Zuko’s banner pictures! 🙂 🙂 He is so darn cute!!!

    WOW! Taking him home the day of the surgery is quite brave, and can certainly be a scary first 24 hrs or so! Clearly you have some good connections by working at the clinic so I know you’ll be just fine…..And so will cutie Zuko! 🙂

    Hugs and update when you can!

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

    • By: pitmama on April 27, 2017 at 12:26 am      Reply

      Isn’t he the cutest?! Withs smiles and kisses for daaaaaaaayyysss!

      Taking him home the day of was a little scary. I was freaking out a little because I wasn’t sure if I was prepared enough but it worked out just fine! I knew he’d rest better at home than when he’s surrounded my other dogs and know that there’s people around. He loves attention and meeting other dogs so he can get pretty worked up! So I thought it would be more peaceful at home. He’s doing great so far! I’ll keep you guys posted as the day progresses 🙂

  4. By: Yolanda on April 26, 2017 at 11:33 pm      Reply

    So glad to hear about Zuko’s progress, our Freddie had his op 8 days ago, and surprises us each day with his resilience, keep up the good work, you will get through this 🐾❤️

    • By: pitmama on April 27, 2017 at 12:32 am      Reply

      Just gonna take it one day at a time!

      Glad that Freddie is doing great post-amp! Hearing from everyone just how great their dogs are doing and adjusting really helps lessen my worries about how he’ll cope moving forward so thank you!

  5. By: traceym on April 27, 2017 at 12:20 am      Reply

    Congrats on a successful surgery and being home! Zuko has such a cute and happy face 🙂

    Tracey & Tai

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